Wireless Mesh Network #
The WaveLinx Pro Lighting system was developed to be the most cost effective, best performing, highly secure and most flexible wireless lighting control solution available. This system creates a secure WiFi mesh allowing each device to communicate over a private lighting network. This system does not require an internet connection to function.
Device Placement #
The success of the WaveLinx Wireless Lighting System relies on the placement of system devices (Wireless Area Controller-WAC & Relay Switch Pack-RSP) to create overlapping coverage areas. Line of sight works best for device communication, a centralized WAC location for the controlled area, and minimizing device installation inside equipment rooms and concrete walled areas.
Dimming #
Verify all areas that require dimming. Dimmed zones will require 0-10v wiring to run between all fixtures back to the Relay Switch Pack. Fixtures with integral sensors do not require 0-10v wires for dimming, this is self-contained in the fixture. See the attached pages for project specific wiring diagrams.
Occupancy Sensors #
You can install the battery powered occupancy sensors or leave them boxed until we arrive. Install ceiling sensors 4-6 feet away from air supply vents. Locations of devices shown on plans are just a graphical representation. Occupancy sensor timeouts for battery powered sensors will be set during programming by our technician. Any wired sensors connected to WSP-CA (Switch Pack with dry contact closure) will need to be configured with correct timeout and sensitivity adjusted and is the responsibility of the Electrical Contractor. DO NOT leave occupancy sensors in factory default Auto mode.
Future Maintenance & Troubleshooting #
For any future maintenance, it is best practice to label Relay Switch Packs for what they are controlling and create an accurate as-built of device locations for future troubleshooting. To test lighting before we arrive to program, use a paperclip to push the relay toggle on the narrow side of the Relay Switch Pack (RSP). This will toggle the connected lights on/off. To pair lighting devices to the WAC, push the pair button on the WAC, and toggle the breakers with the lighting devices in the area 2 times, this will allow you to turn all of the lighting on/off with any paired wallstations and test functionality and dimming.